Still Alive!

Yes. I’m still breathing, haha. I’ve had a lot of stuff going on the past few weeks, so posting here has been impossible. Everything is somewhat back to normal now. And of course, I’ve been buying orchids like crazy! 😉

These have arrived:
Phalaenopsis Violacea var. mentawai
Phalaenopsis Violacea var. coerulea
Doritaenopsis Purple Martin
Doritaenopsis Pinlong Flemington
Doritaenopsis La Reine De Porcelaine
Dendrobium Treacherianum
Dendrobium Pendulum

And these have been ordered and will be shipped on Tuesday:

Phalaenopsis hybrid KD 598
Phalaenopsis Bellina x Violacea
Phalaenopsis Vrides x Wilsonii
Phalaenopsis Equestris ‘Apari’ x Kingidium Deliciosa
Phalaenopsis Pulchra Red
Phalaenopsis Florensis x Equestris
Phalaenopsis Cornustris (Equestris Aurea x Cornu-cervi Alba)
Doritaenopsis Purple Gem ‘Aida’
Dendrobium Parishii
Miltonia Tristar Night YH #2
Cymbidium Mem. Marvin Gayle ‘Royal’

And these will be ordered on the 4th of July:

Doritaenopsis Anna-Larati Soekardi
Doritaenopsis Jim x Phalaenopsis Golden Peoker Black Bird
Doritaenopsis SOGO Chapstick
Dendrobium Rainbow Dance
Dendrobium Nobile Firebird
Dendrobium Kingianum Dark
Dendrobium Goldschmidtianum
Epidendrum Ibaguense
Barkeria Lindleyana
Barkeria Spectabilis x Epidendrum Criniferum
Cymbidium Pastoral Lady

And on the 18th:
Phalaenopsis Wilsonii x Chibae
Brassolaeliocattleya Village ChiefEpidendrum Calanthum

And that’ll be it for quite a while… I think. 😉

Apart from all these new orders, the Keiki Project is going well too – my Phalaenopsis SOGO Twinkle Abundance and Phalaenopsis Brown Sugar both have little branches that might grow Keikis later – I’m hoping so, anyway! Sadly, the orchid with a terminal spike was a lost cause. 😦

Anyway, that’s about it from here! Hope you’re all well!

Best wishes,

Project Keiki #1: The Project Begins!

Look what I got in the mail today! 🙂


It’s “Budilizer” – aka “Keiki Paste”, which is basically a goo-ey substance that contains the hormones that makes an orchid grow a keiki. If you don’t know what a Keiki is, read my next post, as I will explain how to identify and take care of various types of keiki’s. 🙂

Anyway, I got the paste because one of my Phalaenopsis’es has developed a terminal spike, which is a spike in the center of the leaves, that prevents the orchid from growing new leaves and eventually kills it. I would like it to grow a keiki so I still have an orchid like it when its time comes and it’s no longer with me anymore. But there are also other plants that I would love keiki’s from – I have applied the paste to the following plants:
(“NoID” simply means that I don’t know what hybrid the orchid in question is)

  • NoID Phalaenopsis hybrid, white with pink lip (the one with the terminal spike)
  • NoID mini Phalaenopsis/Doritaenopsis hybrid, yellow with pink stripes and lip
  • NoID mini Phalaenopsis/Doritaenopsis hybrid, white with pink stripes and lip
  • Phalaenopsis/Doritaenopsis Tzu Chiang Sapphire
  • Phalaenopsis Amoinensis x Equestris
  • Dendrobium Hercoglossum
  • Dendrobium Sulawesiense/Glomeratum


I will probably also apply it to the following plants, when they arrive in the mail and has settled in:

  • Phalaenopsis Brown Sugar
  • Phalaenopsis Equestris
  • Phalaenopsis Hieroglyphica
  • Phalaenopsis Pink Swan
  • Phalaenopsis Bellina var. ponkan
  • Phalaenopsis SOGO Twinkle Abundance
  • Dendrobium Wardianum
  • Dendrobium Tortile (I always read that as “tortilla”, haha)

… and, finally, my tiny Dendrobium Nobile Akasuki Comet King, which I just received in the mail yesterday, after trading a Dendrobium Cretaceum x Anosmum keiki for it. 🙂

I won’t put it on my Dendrobium Cretaceum x Anosmum though, as it already has three keiki’s on their way, so it has plenty of mothering to do already without needing more “kids”. 😛

Anyway, this concludes the first post in my “Project Keiki” journal. Next up: a few pictures and a “special”: the keiki care sheet!

Speak soon! ❤

Best wishes,

Acacallis Cyanea x Zygopetalum Helen Ku – A New Day

Yesterday, I posted some pictures of my Acacallis Cyanea x Zygopetalum Helen Ku hybrid with one bloom that was almost open. This is how it looks today:






One bloom is fully open, a second one is on its way, and a third one is slightly open – and there are six more to go! 😀 How awesome is that?

My Acacallis Cyanae is blooming! And there’re more orchids coming soon!

I put up some pictures of my Acacallis Cyanae x Zygopetalum Helen Ku hybrid this morning – one flower had opened a little, and two buds were on their way to blooming as well. Well… now, it looks like this:




As you can see, there are two buds more that are very close to blooming, but there’s a third one that started turning purple/blue as well, indicating that it, too, is about to bloom. It won’t be long… 🙂

And then, a friend of mine is selling some of his orchids, and I ended up getting these:
(Photos belong to Christian from OrkideImperiet)


Dendrobium Antennatum



Dendrobium Hercoglossum


Phalaenopsis Amboinensis x Phalaenopsis Equestris

I’ve wanted a Phal Equestris or an Equestris hybrid for ages – they produce a lot of keikis (babies) naturally, and I’d love some orchids that I can gift away, as well as for back-up in case one of them bites the dust, haha. I take as good care of my plants as I can, but we all know it happens sometimes. Sadly.

Anyway, I’ll be making another post in a minute, as I’ve taken some photos of my pink/purple mini-Phal/Dtps. So stay tuned! 🙂

Best wishes,

Baby Orchid!

It seems one of my orchids (a Dendrobium Cretaceum x Anosmum) has grown a keiki!
What is a keiki? Well, it’s the Hawaiian word for “baby”, and that’s exactly what it is – a baby plant that develops on the mother plant. Mine looked like this:

It’s the stem with the green leaves on the right – the strands that starts above the butterfly clip are roots.

I decided to separate it from the mother plant – that way, the mother plant could use its energy towards growing new roots and leaves, rather than use resources on the keiki. So I cut it off and planted it:

This is how it looks now. 🙂 Can’t wait to watch it grow!